How your garden waste can save the world?
Recycling garden waste can be an important way to save our planet. Here is how you can do your part. 27% of all household waste is green waste The three Rs apply to every aspect of our lives. This includes our gardens. According to a study by Southampton University, on average each UK household produces 288kg of green waste per year. So how can the tonnes of annual London garden waste save the planet? Only 3% of households nationally compost, here’s why you should start Turning your hedge trimmings and potato peels into compost allows you to grow your own vegetables. Not only is this rewarding and a money saver, growing our own fresh produce reduces the amount of plastic packaging used by supermarkets. According to Greenpeace UK, British supermarkets create 1.2 billion plastic bags each year to use for fruits and vegetables. That is 38,000 tonnes of polluting plastic. Cutting back on excess plastic is not the only way that growing your own produce helps the environment. It eliminates t...